Laudario di Cortona is a musical codex from the second half of the 13th century containing a collection of lauds (praises). Stored in the Library of the Municipality and the Etruscan Academy...Read more
Laudario di Cortona is a musical codex from the second half of the 13th century containing a collection of lauds (praises). Stored in the Library of the Municipality and the Etruscan Academy (Biblioteca del Comune e dell`Accademia Etrusca) in Cortona, manuscript No. 91. The manuscript contains 49 songs.
Laude or laudaspirituale was an important form of folk spiritual song in late medieval and Renaissance Italy. Õ Close Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
Claudia Caffagni (voice, lute, bells), Livia Caffagni (voice, vielle, recorder), Elisabetta de`Mircovich (voice, vielle, symphonia), Ella de`Mircovich (voice, harp), Doron David Sherwin (voice, cornetto, percussion), Sergio Foresti (voice), Roberto Spremulli (voice, bells), Matteo Zenatti (voice, bells), Klaus L. Neumann (bells), Paolo Zerbinatti (organistrum) / 1994