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Bless my soul the Lord... Recording of 1986
`Приидите, поклонимся`
From the record `Music of Moscow Russia XV-XVII centuries` (series `A thousand years of music`). Record 1978
Блаженна (XV в.)
From the record Music of Moscow Russia XV-XVII centuries (series A thousand years of music). Recording 1978
`Исполаити деспота`
From the record Music of Moscow Russia XV-XVII centuries (series A thousand years of music). Recording 1978
Awaken the name of the Lord.
From the album Music of Moscow Russia XV-XVII centuries (series A thousand years of music). 1978
Задостойник (XVI в.)
From the record Music of Moscow Russia XV-XVII centuries (series `A thousand years of music). Recording 1978
`Единородный сыне`
From the record Music of Moscow Russia XV-XVII centuries (series A thousand years of music). Recording 1978
`Да исполнятся уста`
From the record Music of Moscow Russia XV-XVII centuries (series A thousand years of music). Recorded 1978
Погласица с псалмом (XII-XIV вв.)
From the record Music of Moscow Russia XV-XVII centuries (series A thousand years of music). Recording 1978
by a divine gesture. Performed on the Assumption of the Virgin.
Recorded in March 1980 in the Church of St. Alexander Nevsky (Sofia)
Величит душа моя Господа (прокимен)
From the plate `Choirs of the Lviv Diocese (series `1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus`, `Melody`, edition of the Moscow Patriarchate, 1987)
О преславного чудесе (напев Оптиной пустыни)
Together with the choir of the clergy of the Leningrad Metropolia. Recording from a concert at the Leningrad Academy. Glinka Chapel June 17, 1988
Заступнице усердная
Together with the choir of the clergy of the Leningrad Metropolia. Recording from a concert at the Leningrad Academy. Glinka Chapel June 17, 1988
`Днесь висит на древе`
The chant of the Optina Desert. Recording 1978
От восток солнца до запад
Recorded 1978
Запевы на 9-й песни канона праздника Сретения Господня
Recorded 1978
Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne. Recorded in Belgium, August 1984.
`Да исправится молитва моя`
Chants of the Supral Monastery, 16th century. Performed by the Russian Patriarchal Choir
`Приидите, ублажим Иосифа`
Chants of the Supral Monastery, 16th century. Performed by the Russian Patriarchal Choir
`Приидите, поклонимся`
Male choir of employees of the Publishing Department of the Moscow Patriarchate, recording 1990.
`Под кров Твой, Владычица`
Chants of the Suprasl Monastery of the 16th century. Choir of the Moscow Patriarchate `Old Russian chant`
`Царь небесный`
Chant of the Suprasl Monastery of the 16th century.
Choir of the Moscow Patriarchate `Old Russian chant`
Воскресение Твое, Христе Спасе
Recording from a concert at the Leningrad Academy. Glinka Chapel June 17, 1988
Догматик 6-го гласа
Recording from a concert at the Leningrad Academy. Glinka Chapel June 17, 1988
`С нами Бог` (напев Соловецкого монастыря)
Recording from a concert at the Leningrad Academy. Glinka Chapel June 17, 1988
Bless my soul the Lord...
Moscow Synodal Choir conducted by A. D. Kastalsky, recording 1907
`Во Царствии Твоем...`
Moscow Synodal Choir conducted by A. D. Kastalsky, recording 1907
С нами Бог...
Moscow Synodal Choir conducted by A. D. Kastalsky, recording 1907
`Многая лета`
Moscow Synodal Choir conducted by A. D. Kastalsky, recording 1907
Bless the Lord to my soul...
Recording 1981 From the record Russian choral music of the XVII-XVIII centuries (Melody, 1982)
Велики и чудны дела Твои Господи
Text of the revelation of John. Recording 1990
`Дево днесь` (кондак праздника Рождества )
`Не отврати лица твоего`, великий прокимен
`Плотию уснув` (экзапостиларий Пасхи)
Harmonization of S. Krylov. Recording of 1987
Величание Рождеству Христову - путевой распев, 17 в., 2-я половина
Male choir of the Vologda Philharmonic. 2001.
Отца и Сына и Святого Духа - путевой распев, 17 в. 2-я половина.
Male choir of the Vologda Philharmonic. 2001
Великий прокимен `Кто Бог велий`, Московский напев.
Величание преподобному Сергию
`Исповедуйтеся`, хоровой концерт
`Дево днесь` (кондак праздника Рождества )
Киевская Рождественская Литургия
MOSCOW LITURGIC CHOIR. Recorded in Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory, July 1992.
Пасха: `Христос Воскресе из мертвых`
Ural Chamber Choir.
Паремия из книги Исход в Великую Субботу
Паремия из книги пророка Даниила в Великую Субботу
Воистину, Он Достоин
THE ORTHODOX SINGERS male choir. From CD: BASSO PROFONDO FROM OLD RUSSIA. Recording: Moscow Conservatory, January to April 1998.
We Hymn Thee
THE ORTHODOX SINGERS male choir. From CD: BASSO PROFONDO FROM OLD RUSSIA. Recording: Moscow Conservatory, January to April 1998.
THE ORTHODOX SINGERS male choir. From CD: BASSO PROFONDO FROM OLD RUSSIA. Recording: Moscow Conservatory, January to April 1998.
Много лет
THE ORTHODOX SINGERS male choir. From CD: BASSO PROFONDO FROM OLD RUSSIA. Recording: Moscow Conservatory, January to April 1998.
Вечная Память
THE ORTHODOX SINGERS male choir. From CD: BASSO PROFONDO FROM OLD RUSSIA. Recording: Moscow Conservatory, January to April 1998.
`Тело Христово приимите`
From the plate `Choirs of the Lviv Diocese (series `1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus`, `Melody`, edition of the Moscow Patriarchate, 1987)
Tune of the Zosima desert
`Ныне силы небесныя` (напев Валаамского монастыря)
Recording 1986 From the record Rejoice, the lands of the Russian Intercession (series 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia, Melody, 1987)
`С нами Бог` (напев Соловецкого монастыря)
Recording 1986 From the record Rejoice, the lands of the Russian Intercession (series 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia, Melody, 1987)
Догматик 6-го гласа
The melody of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Recording of 1986 From the record Rejoice, the lands of the Russian Intercession (series 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia, `Melody, 1987)
Пасха́льные часы, Часы Святой Пасхи — одна из служб суточного богослужебного круга, которая совершается на Пасху и далее ежедневно в течение всей Светлой (Пасхальной) седмицы вместо каждой из следующих служб: Первый час, Третий час, Шестый час, Девятый час, Повечерие и Полунощницу (а в Русской Православной Церкви также вместо утренних молитв и вместо молитв на сон грядущим).
Кондак Триоди (Креста) в неделю Крестопоклонную