The Hilliard Ensemble consisting of: David James (countertenor), Ashley Stafford (countertenor), John Potter (tenor), Rogers Covey-Crump (tenor), Mark Padmore (tenor), Paul Hillier (baritone), David Beavan (bass). Album `Tenebrae`, recorded 1990.
Gesualdo Carlo — Tenebrae Responsories for Maundy Thursday, six voices (1611)
Artist: David Hurley (hautecontre)
The King`s Singers vocal ensemble, consisting of: David Hurley (countertenor), Robin Tyson (countertenor), Paul Phoenix (tenor), Philip Lawson (baritone), Gabriel Crouch (baritone), Stephen Connolly (bass). 2004 г. 5. Judas mercator pessimus (2:38)
Palestrina Giovanni Pierluigi da — Mass `Viri Galilaei`
Artist: Marcel Peres (choir conductor, vocals)
1991 Ensemble Vocal Europeen de la Chapelle Royale, conducted by Philippe Herreweghe, and Ensemble Organum
Schmitt Florent — op. 96 Hasards-Petit Concert En Quatre Parties, For Piano, Violin, Viola & Cello
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