,  (Ivanilova)
Yana Ivanilova (soprano)

Recorded in 2005. © The Boris Tchaikovsky Society and Naxos Record Company, 2006 The recording also featured Irina Goncharova (harpsichord), Olga Solovieva (harpsichord). Solo in orchestra - Pavel Alfyorov (double bass).
1. I`m leaving forever. 2 It was quickly getting dark in the grove and fields. 3. Once in the meadows near the road. 4. In my deep solitude. 5. To those who are away from their sweetheart. 6. Doesn’t a sweet, carefree shepherd live in a young village? Poems by J. Florian. State Ensemble of Soloists `Orfarion`. 2006
Poems by A. Sumarokov (?). State Ensemble of Soloists Orfarion. 2006
Concert Academy of Musical Taste. Moscow, Philharmonic Chamber Hall, March 5, 2016.
`The Song of the Mermaid` to the words of Lermontov, Op. 11 No. 1


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