Hymn `Now that the Sun hath veil`d his Light` (1688), Z 193, Z 193 (Purcell)

Henry Purcell (1659–1695)

Hymn `Now that the Sun hath veil`d his Light` (1688), Z 193, Z 193

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Eamonn O`Dwyer (treble)

Accademia Bizantina, con. Stefano Montarani.

Christopher Hogwood - organ.

Francoise Johannel - harp, Susie Napper - viola da gamba. Olivier Fortin - organ. 2003.

Myron Lutzke, cello; Arthur Haas, harpsichord, organ. 2000, New York City.

2013 entry. Nicolas Achten · Justin Glaie · Simon Linné

recorded June 6, 2009 at a concert at Wigmore Hall (London)

1988, Basel



E. Kenny - theorba. Recorded in January 2006 at St Paul’s Church, New Southgate, London, England.

DA SONAR: Chantal RÉMILLARD (violin); Christine MORAN (violin); Margaret LITTLE (viola); Susie NAPPER (bass viol and cello); Sylvain BERGERON (lute and theorbo); Réjean POIRIER (harpsichord and organ). Recorded at Saint-Augustin Church, Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel, Québec (Canada), 1997.



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