,  (Anonymous)

Why are you greedily looking at the road (music by an unknown author, lyrics by N. Nekrasov). Performed by Lyudmila Zykina, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.
Àãíè Ïàðòåíå
Divna Ljuboevich and the choir Meló
Raga Sandhya
Sitar is a multi-stringed Indian musical instrument (a group of plucked strings). Ravi Shankar, sitar.
Tina-Lina (Brodszky - Cahn) Jeff Alexander Choir & Orchestra, cond. Ray Sinatra 1950 Author: Brodsky Nicholas
Ballet No. 14 (from `Polotsk Notebook`). Ancient music ensemble `Cantabile` (Minsk)
Ukrainian folk song `Nich yak misyachna`
Santa Lucia is a popular Neapolitan folk song. It was published by Teodoro Cottrau (1827-1879) in 1849. The Italian text is often attributed to Enrico Cossovic. Santa Lucia is considered the first Neapolitan song to have a dialect translation into Italian.
`Äåâî äíåñü` (êîíäàê ïðàçäíèêà Ðîæäåñòâà )
Puer natus est nobis
Choir of monks of the Benedictine monastery in Santo Domingo De Silos (Spain).
Ãàïðèíäè øàâî ìåðöõàëî, êàðòàëèíî-êàõåòèíñêàÿ ëèðè÷åñêàÿ
Chants of the Supral Monastery, 16th century. Performed by the Russian Patriarchal Choir
×àêîíà `Di Paradiso e dell` Inferno`
Recording from the concert on September 18, 2008.
Le Poeme Harmonique: Patrizia Bovi, Bernard Arrieta, Pino de Vittorio / dir. Vincent Dumestre, Oliver Schneebeli / Feb. 2000
Giora Feidman, clarinet; Jeff Israel, guitar; Richard Sarpola, double bass; Manny Katz, guitar; Rick Cutler, percussion & drums; Peter Weitzner, double bass; Ali Hafid, darbuka & tamburine. 1985, New York City
«Áåëîé àêàöèè ãðîçäüÿ äóøèñòûå»
Catholic liturgy: 12 - 16 ñ.
Graduel d`Alienor de Bretagne (14th century) - `Virga Jesse floruit`
Kant `Ah, how glorious`. Recording 1981 From the record Russian choral music of the XVII-XVIII centuries (Melody, 1982)
Gypsy traditional: `Zingaros`
8. Morenika. Elena Hristova (vocal), Petar Hristov (clarinet), Cengiz Ibrahim (canon), Valon Ademi (violin), Dejan Teodosievski (cello), Dejan Sibinovski (daf)
Wanda Sokolovskaya (flute)Bach-Orchestra F. Tevve
Âåñåííèå öâåòû â ëóííóþ íî÷ü íà ðåêå.
Daughter of Steep Banks (Russian folk Cossack song). Performed by M.D. Mikhailov, accompanied by an orchestra of Russian folk instruments.
Arabian traditional: Raksel Hawanem
Swallow (Armenian folk song). Performed by G. Gasparyan, accompanied by piano.
Drink to Me Only with Thin Eyes. (Arr. Cohn). March 16, 1937.
Mozarabic Rite Chants (Cathedral of Toledo, XV century.)1995. (Harmonia mundi HMC 901519) Ensemble Organum: Lycourgos Angelopoulos, Malcolm Bothwell, Jerome Casalonga, Jean-Pierre Lanfranchi, Jean-Etienne Langiani, Marcel Peres, Frederic Richard
Belarusian folk song `Golubka`. National folklore and ethnographic ensemble of Belarus “Nerush”. 2006
with a balalaika orchestra. Recorded in 1929.
Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of the Central Television and All-Union Radio Nikolai Nekrasov, conductor 1979
Stichera “The Most Holy Theotokos before Her in a miraculous image called “Sovereign”” (chant of the Optina Hermitage)
`Î òåáå ðàäóåòñÿ`, çíàìåííûé ðàñïåâ
Chants of the Suprasl Monastery, 16th century. Choir of the Moscow Patriarchate `Old Russian chant`
Part 1. The emergence of the Cathar movement. 950-1099.
Hesperion XXI; La Capella Reial de Catalunya. Direction: Jordi Savall.
`Scalam ad caelos`, Frankish sequence (Notker(?), instrumental piece based on the melodies of Frankish sequences; 9th century)
Reconstruction by B. Bagby and N. Rodenkirchen. Performers: Benjamin Bagby (vocals, harp, symphony), Norbert Rodenkirchen (flute, harp). Walberberg Monastery Church, Bornheim, Germany, 2008.
Âñòðå÷íûé ìàðø Èìïåðàòîðñêîãî Ïðåîáðàæåíñêîãî ïîëêà
Latin Sibyl (10th-11th century)
``CANT DE LA SIBILLA``. LA CAPELLA REIAL, JORDI SAVALL (conductor). Recorded in March 1988.
A. 01. Regem cui omnia vivunt (invitatorium) (Ego sum Resurrectio. Gregorian Chant for the Dead.) - Aurora Surgit, female vocal ensemble (Italy). Soloist and Director Alessio Randon. 1994
¹3, , (ed. A. Litvinovsky, V. Zhivalevsky) Performers: Valery Zhivalevsky, guitar Boris Spektor, harpsichord Ensemble of soloists `Classic-avant-garde`
Russian Metropolitan Church Choir of Paris. Conductor - Nicolai Afonsky. Recorded: February 26, 1932, Salle Pleyel, Paris.
2006. Ensemble Organum: Jean-Christophe Candau, Jerome Casalonga, Gianni de Gennaro, Jean-Etienne Langianni, Antoine Sicot, Frederic Tavernier, Luc Terrieux, Marcel Peres.
`Manuscrit du Saint Sepulcre du XII siecle de Jerusalem et conserve au Chateau de Chantillyu` - manuscript from XII century.
1. Antiphona: Crucem Sanctam; 2. Responsorium: Benedicat Nos Deus; 3. Responsorium: Honor Virtus et Potestas; 5. Responsorium: Media Vita in Morte Sumus; 6. Ky
`Suray surita` (Ïîãðåáàëüíàÿ ïåñíü èíêîâ)
Jordi Savall (viele), Perdo Estevan (pandereta). 2006
Êå÷óàíñêèé ãèìí Äåâå Ìàðèè `Hanaq pachap kusikuynin` (îê. 1610, Êóñêî, Ïåðó)
Ensemble `Elima`, choir `Schola Cantorum Cantate Domino`, conductor Gabriel Garrido.
`Schlafe, mein suesses Kind` (`Ñïè, äèòÿ ìîå ðîäíîå`)
Record March 13, 1936.
`Shenandoah` The Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Jerold Ottley, conductor.
11. Menuett in F major // Vinicius Kattah (clavichord) / Tutti Mozart, 2015
Ungaresca - Saltarello
From the collection published by P. Falaise in 1583. Tenor-dulcian, rebeck, bass viola. From the album `Chorea&Carmina` (Hungaroton, 1986)
1. Quechua dance at Christmas (`Al Nacimiento de Christo Nuestro Senor`). Performed by: Claudio Samorano (tenor), Daniela Bustamante (soprano), Eunice San Martin (soprano), Daniel Mesias (countertenor). Ensemble `Capilla de Indias` (Chile), conducted by Tiziana Palmiero.
`El vito`
arr. José de Azpiazu // 29.03.2015, Ettlingen, Germany (live)
Ney is a folk woodwind musical instrument of the flute family, common among the peoples of the Caucasus, Western and Central Asia.
Liturgical drama of the 12th century. Ancient music ensemble `Hortus Musicus`. Digitization of a gramophone record from the Melodiya company, 1975.
Ôûðëè êóíäàê (Þíîøåñêèé òàíåö)
Recording 1980
Benedicamus domino (organum a 3)
Composers of the Notre Dame School (1170-1240).
`Kyrie: Cunctipotens genitor Deus`. Codex Faenza (c. 1410-1420). Instrumental Music of the Early XVth Century. Ensemble Unicorn. Recorded: 1995, Vienna.
4. Sei willekommen Herre Christ. Anon. German, 1394
The album On the Way to Bethlehem represents the imaginary journey of medieval pilgrims passing through various countries on the way to the Holy Land, Bethlehem. - Ensemble Unicorn
10. Gradual Christus
Choir of nuns of the Benedictine Monastery of the Annunciation of Our Lady (Le Barrou, France)
1.`Venite a laudare`
Kristia Michael, soprano / Marguerite Maire, recorder / Andrew Hopper, vielle / Tímea Daradics, organetto // Barthkapel, The Hague, 1.04.2021
Alte Deutsche Weihnachtslieder: Der Heiland ist geboren
O, ce veste minunata!
Choir of Orthodox Faculty of Theology in Bucharest, Marius Dumitrescu (director). Recorded in Bucharest (Romania), 2000.
Chant Cistercien: Monodies du XIIe siecle.
Ensemble Organum (Josep Cabre, Malcolm Bothwell, Antoine Sicot, Marcel Peres, Christian Barrier, Michel Gauvain, Frederic Richard). 1992.
Fillide mia
D. Behnke - kitarron. 1991
Graduale: Inveni David servum meum
Ave Maria
OXFORD CAMERATA. Recorded in the Chapel of Hertford College, Oxford (England), December 15-17, 1992.
Ne velyat Mashe na rechenku khodit, Russian folk song
Á fellr austan um eitrdala (èç `Ïðîðèöàíèÿ â¸ëüâû`)
Barbara Thornton (vocals), Lena Susanna Norin (vocals), Benjamin Bugbee (vocals, lyre), Elizabeth Gaver (fidel). Skaulholt, Iceland, 1996.
From ``Le Chant de Vézelay / Chant from Vezelay``. Recorded in France by Studio SM, 1993.
Ta Nu Lit (Magic Arrow)
Scene from `Ramayana`. The orchestral performance of pi-phat. Recorded in 1977
`La Capella Reial de Catalunya`, `Grupe Sufi Al-Darwish`, `Hesperion XXI` - dir.Jordi Savall.
`Miragres fremosus`. Ensemble Gothart (Czech Republic). From the album `Stella splendens` (1997)
Ave Maria gracia plena
ANONYMOUS 4: Ruth Cunningham, Marsha Genensky, Susan Hellauer, Johanna Maria Rose. Released in 1998.
Obr. T. Okrynets. From the record `Choirs of the Lviv Diocese (series `1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus`, `Melody`, edition of the Moscow Patriarchate, 1987)
Recordings of 1930 and 1910
El fill del rei
LA CAPELLA REIAL DE CATALUNYA / Montserrat Figueras (soprano). Recorded in 1988-1990.
Māqām Bajāti (cîëî äëÿ óäà; àðàáñêàÿ ìóçûêà ñóëòàíñêîãî äâîðà)
Kecskés Ensemble / Bakfark Bálint Lute Trió / Esmail Vasseghi / René Clemencic / mosque Suleiman the Great, Szigetvár, 1982
Gradualia: 1. Dirigatur 2. Domine, Dominus noster 3. Iacta cogitatum tuum 4. Laetatus sum.
Nova Schola Gregoriana. Conductor Alberto Turco. 1992, Mantua, Italy.
The Fortune, waltz
Male Choir of the Vologda Philharmonic. 2001 Znamenny two and three voices, 17th century. 2nd half.
Znamenny chant, 2nd half of the 17th century. Male choir of the Vologda Philharmonic. 2001.
Hodie Christus natus est
From CD ``On Yoolis Night`` released in 1993.
Èñòîðèÿ âîåâîäû ßíîøà Õóíÿäè (1560) Ôðàãìåíò.
The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
Íîðâåæñêàÿ òðàäèöèîííàÿ ìóçûêà. Gorraus 1-3, gangar
Alleluia! Iustus ut palma florebit
SEQUENTIA (Sons of Thunder). Released in 1997.
4. `Sac ha chaune vema teche vaiha neuha Rey`. Performed by: Daniela Bustamante (soprano). Ensemble `Capilla de Indias` (Chile), conducted by Tiziana Palmiero. 2007.
Za ciesare Augusta
Recording 1979 From the album Christmas Songs of the Hussite Time (Supraphon, 1981)
Adoremus Regem seculorum (Invitatorium)
LA REVERDIE with I CANTORI GREGORIANI. Recorded at Modena S. Damaso, Collegara Church, April-May 1998.
Legends of St. Nicholas (Medieval Chant and Polyphony), part I. Anonymous 4 (ÑØÀ): Marsha Genensky, Ruth Cunningham, Susan Hellauer, Johanna Rose. 1993.
Manuscript from Dubrovnik, XII century. From the plate `From Yugoslav manuscripts of the X-XII centuries` (`Melody`, issue 1983). Recording 1981 in the church of Oleviste (Tallinn)
2000. Falcetist Alexey Baranov. Lute, viola da gamba.
`Charlie he`s my darling`
LA NEF: Sylvain BERGERON (baroque guitar, theorbo, conductor); Claire GIGNAC (recorders); Élise GUAY (recorders and bagpipes); Betsy MacMILLAN (violas da gamba); Robin GRENON (celtic harp); Patrick GRAHAM (percussion).
2003, Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel, Canada.
Novo sacrata gaudio
Hymn in honor of St. Margit. From the record `Hungaria sacra. On the 950th anniversary of the death of Istvan, the first King of Hungary` (Hungaroton, 1988)
Credo a 4
Katelijne Van Laethem, Marie-Claude Vallin, Marius Van Altena, Harry Van Berne, Otto Rastbichler, Willem Ceuleers, Harry Van der Kamp, An Van Laethem (fiddle), René Van Laken (fiddle, rebec), Bart Coen (recorders), Peter de Clercq (bass recorder), Harry Ries (sackbuts), Joost Swinkels (tenor sackbut) / 1993
David regis inclita proles
Eric Mentzel (tenor), Agnet Christensen (vocals), Benjamin Bugbee (vocals, lyre, harp), Norbert Rodenkirchen (flute, lyre). Cologne, 2002.
A Lammas Ladymass. 13th and 14th Century English Chant and Polyphony
1. Hymn. O quam glorifica. 2. Conductus. Salve mater salvatoris. 3. Introit. Salve sancta parens. 4. Gradual. Benedicta et venerabilis. 5. Sequence. O Maria stella maris. 6. Offertory. Recordare virgo mater. 7. Conductus. Salve mater salvatoris. - Anonymous 4.
On the bank of a stream (French folk song).Recorded May 28, 1959
Ensemble `Studio der Fruhen Musik`: Nigel Rogers (tenor), Sterling Jones (lyre, fidel, rebeck), Richard Levitt (countertenor), Robert Eliscu (shalmei), David Fallows (percussion), Max Hecker (flute) - Thomas Binkley rook. ensemble, saracen guitar, lute. Germany, 1970.
Soit tart, tempre
Recorded at Eremo di Ronzano, Bologna, April 1997.
Òðîïàðü ïðeï. Àííå Êàøèíñêîé
The 3rd voice of the banner chant, arranged by G. Lapaev. Recording 1990
Ave maria gracia plena
ANONYMOUS 4: Marsha Genensky, Susan Hellauer, Johanna Maria Rose, Jacqueline Horner. Released in 2002.
òðàäèöèîííàÿ ãóàáèíà `Quisiera vestir de azul` (Âåëåñ)
Ada Coronel (vocals), Leopoldo Novoa (vocals, Colombian guitar), Enrique Barona (guitar). `Tembembe Ensamble Continuo`. 2010.
Ivushka. Slovak folk song. - In Russian. yaz. 1950`s.
2004, la Chapelle de l`Ecole Sainte-Genevieve a Versailles
Processing of the song `Bugeilio`r gwenith gwyn` Catrin Finch, harp Kia Bennet flute June 18-21, 2012.
Christmas song
Recording 1981 From the record Music of Lithuania of the XVI century (Melody, 1982)
`Maktrismos` (òàíåö)
`Gzaetzli`. Recorded August 26-30, 1957, Munich.
`Don Pedro a quien los crueles` // Ensemble Elyma / Schola Cantorum Cantate Domino / Gabriel Garrido (cond.) / 2007 (K617)
Early Gregorian chants performed by the Capella Romana. Medieval Byzantine Chant. For the Feasts on January 1st and 6th. Vocals - Ioannis Arvanitis, Alexander Lingas.
HUELGAS ENSEMBLE. Recorded at the Chapel of Abdij Marienlot, Belgium, June 16-18, 1993.
Sister Marie Keyrouz (chant) / L`Ensemble de la Paix / Chorale de l`Église de St-Julien le Pauvre / 1993
Choir of the Yekaterinburg Novo-Tikhvin Convent. Recorded 2006
Classical Azerbaijanian mughams for cello solo: `Chahargah`- 1.Reng (Ahsan Dadashev), 2.Berdasht (introduction), 3.Maye (tema), 4.Balikabutar (pegions`wing), 4.Jovhary, 5.Maye extra, 6.Per-Perestuk(swallow feather),7.Beste-Nigar(sweetheart bound), 8.Muye(corner,angle), 9.Cadenza, 10.Reng -Eldar Iskenderov(cello) rec.8 X 2005 Baku
Pange lingua
Micot organ of Cathédrale de Vabres l`Abbaye, Aveyron (France). Recorded in June 1987.
All Through the Night
Performer: female vocal ensemble Anonymous 4 (USA) consisting of Marsha Genensky, Ruth Cunningham, Susan Hellauer, Johanna Rose. Recorded 1993
L`Ars Nova Florentine. `Amor mi fa cantar`
From DECAMERON - Ballate monodiques de l`Ars Nova Florentine. Recorded in 1980.
Altissonis aptatis/Hin principes
HUELGAS ENSEMBLE. Recorded at the Chapel of the Irish College, Leuven, Belgium, October 25-28, 1991.
chant araméen `Ak egartho`. Esther Lamandier - vocal
Records 1965, 66. Transcr. Diaz.
Ars antiqua (c.1250 - c.1320) - Alle, psallite cum luya
Released in 1976.
LES VOIX HUMAINES: Susie NAPPER and Margaret LITTLE (violas da gamba); Francis COLPRON (recorder); Sylvain BERGERON (lute); Rafik SAMMAN (percussion). Recored at Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel Church, Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel (Québec), Canada, February 8-10, 1999.
íà Ðîæäåñòâî
From the sources of the XII century, which recorded the Milanese liturgical practice of the Ambrosian era. From the album `Ambrosian lurgical chants` (Hungaroton, 1987)
From the collection of the beginning of the XVII century, found in Gyendesh (Hungary)
STUDIO DER FRÜHEN MUSIK. Recorded in December 1970.
“Knowing fate has emitted”. Chamber ensemble conducted by Lev Boldyrev. 1983
Missa in gallicantus
THE TALLIS SCHOLARS. Recorded in Merton College Chapel, Oxford (England), 1988.
Holy Saturday
Schola Hungarica. Recorded at the Reformed Church, Ocsa (Hungary), 1989.
Album `Cancionero de Upsala 1556: Spanish renaissance madrigals`, 1996
From the collection of the middle of the XVI century, found in the city of Gyendeshpata (Hungary)
Montserrat FIGUERAS, Elisabetta TISO, Maite ARRUABARRENA (sopranos); Carlos MENA (counter-tenor); Lambert CLIMENT, Francesc GARRIGOSA (tenors); Jordi RICART (baritone); Daniele CARNOVICH (bass). Recorded at Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne), September 1995.
Montserrat FIGUERAS, Elisabetta TISO, Maite ARRUABARRENA (sopranos); Carlos MENA (counter-tenor); Lambert CLIMENT, Francesc GARRIGOSA (tenors); Jordi RICART (baritone); Daniele CARNOVICH (bass). Recorded at Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne), September 1995.
Chant of the Reformation in Hungary: Easter
The Debrecen College Cantus. Recorded in Hungary, 1988.
Montserrat FIGUERAS, Elisabetta TISO, Maite ARRUABARRENA (sopranos); Carlos MENA (counter-tenor); Lambert CLIMENT, Francesc GARRIGOSA (tenors); Jordi RICART (baritone); Daniele CARNOVICH (bass). Recorded at Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne), September 1995.
Montserrat FIGUERAS, Elisabetta TISO, Maite ARRUABARRENA (sopranos); Carlos MENA (counter-tenor); Lambert CLIMENT, Francesc GARRIGOSA (tenors); Jordi RICART (baritone); Daniele CARNOVICH (bass). Recorded at Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne), September 1995.
Montserrat FIGUERAS, Elisabetta TISO, Maite ARRUABARRENA (sopranos); Carlos MENA (counter-tenor); Lambert CLIMENT, Francesc GARRIGOSA (tenors); Jordi RICART (baritone); Daniele CARNOVICH (bass). Recorded at Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne), September 1995.
Montserrat FIGUERAS, Elisabetta TISO, Maite ARRUABARRENA (sopranos); Carlos MENA (counter-tenor); Lambert CLIMENT, Francesc GARRIGOSA (tenors); Jordi RICART (baritone); Daniele CARNOVICH (bass). Recorded at Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne), September 1995.
Montserrat FIGUERAS, Elisabetta TISO, Maite ARRUABARRENA (sopranos); Carlos MENA (counter-tenor); Lambert CLIMENT, Francesc GARRIGOSA (tenors); Jordi RICART (baritone); Daniele CARNOVICH (bass). Recorded at Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne), September 1995.
Recorded at Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne), September 1995.
Montserrat FIGUERAS, Elisabetta TISO, Maite ARRUABARRENA (sopranos); Carlos MENA (counter-tenor); Lambert CLIMENT, Francesc GARRIGOSA (tenors); Jordi RICART (baritone); Daniele CARNOVICH (bass). Recorded at Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne), September 1995.
Montserrat FIGUERAS, Elisabetta TISO, Maite ARRUABARRENA (sopranos); Carlos MENA (counter-tenor); Lambert CLIMENT, Francesc GARRIGOSA (tenors); Jordi RICART (baritone); Daniele CARNOVICH (bass). Recorded at Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne), September 1995.
Montserrat FIGUERAS, Elisabetta TISO, Maite ARRUABARRENA (sopranos); Carlos MENA (counter-tenor); Lambert CLIMENT, Francesc GARRIGOSA (tenors); Jordi RICART (baritone); Daniele CARNOVICH (bass). Recorded at Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne), September 1995.
Montserrat FIGUERAS, Elisabetta TISO, Maite ARRUABARRENA (sopranos); Carlos MENA (counter-tenor); Lambert CLIMENT, Francesc GARRIGOSA (tenors); Jordi RICART (baritone); Daniele CARNOVICH (bass). Recorded at Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne), September 1995.
Recorded at Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne), September 1995.
Montserrat FIGUERAS, Elisabetta TISO, Maite ARRUABARRENA (sopranos); Carlos MENA (counter-tenor); Lambert CLIMENT, Francesc GARRIGOSA (tenors); Jordi RICART (baritone); Daniele CARNOVICH (bass). Recorded at Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne), September 1995.
Montserrat FIGUERAS, Elisabetta TISO, Maite ARRUABARRENA (sopranos); Carlos MENA (counter-tenor); Lambert CLIMENT, Francesc GARRIGOSA (tenors); Jordi RICART (baritone); Daniele CARNOVICH (bass). Recorded at Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne), September 1995.


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