Kirill Volkov (Born 1943)
Halle Philharmonic Orchestra (Germany), recording 1971.
State Academic Chapel named after Glinka. Leningrad, 1987
Symphony Orchestra AMK at the Moscow Conservatory, conductor Igor Mokerov. Moscow, 2011
1. Pskov 2. Uglich 3. Suzdal 4. Vladimir
Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow Philharmonic
Ensemble of cellists of the Russian Academy of Music named after. Gnessins (art. V.K. Tonkha) Moscow, 2008
Chamber Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater
PLA Mixed Choir. Beijing, 2009
Opera and Symphony Orchestra of the All-Union Radio, 1965
Choir of the correspondence department of the Russian Academy of Music named after. Gnesins. Moscow, 1997
Goskhor im. Sveshnikova, 2009
1. Credits 2. Road State Cinematography Orchestra
Russian State Medical Center String Quintet, 2009
1. `Christmas time`, art. V. Nabokova 2. 2Kolyada`, art. E. Schatz-Alberti. Women`s choir `Maroseyka` PC No. 7 in Moscow. Recording 2003
Chorus of the Mikhailovsky Theater. St. Petersburg, 20121. The Lord is coming to free passion 2. The hour of the end, the soul, having thought 3. The harlot come to you 4. Your temper of flattery is fulfilled, lawless Judas 5. Come. Let us please Joseph 6. When you came down to death
Recording from the concert `Sonatas for Accordion by Kirill Volkov`. April 11, 2014.
Women`s choir of PC No. 7 `Maroseyka` of Moscow. Recording 2003
`Classic duet`. Piano part - Tatiana Khaninova
Women`s choir of PC No. 7 `Maroseyka` of Moscow. Recording 2003
1. To the end 2. Good Filya 3. Visions on the Hill Boys` Choir of the Moscow State Technical University named after A.V.Sveshnikov Moscow, 1988
Tatiana Sergeeva (organ) Moscow, 1996
1. `A.A. Fetu` 2. `Motherland` 3. `September Day` Women`s choir of PC No. 7 `Maroseyka` of Moscow. Recording 2003
Irina Krivchenko (piano). The work is inspired by a poem by F.Tyutchev `O my prophetic soul`. Moscow, 2014
dedicated to the wanderers-wanderers of the Russian North. 1. Presto 2. Prestissimo 3. Lento. Premiere recording.
In the `Lamentable Word` Avvakum mourns his companions - Theodosia Morozova, Evdokia Urusova, Maria Danilova. Recording Moscow, 1989
Soloists and Symphony Orchestra of the Boris Pokrovsky Moscow Chamber Music Theater
Moscow Harp Quartet: Marina Smirnova, Eleonora Kuzmicheva, Elena Frolova, Antonina Kozlova. Moscow, 1979
MOSFILM. Sound engineer Evgeny Nekrasov.Choreographer-director and co-author of the libretto Konstantin Uralsky. Delivered in the USA (Des Moines) and Bulgaria (Varna)
Tatiana Sergeeva (organ) Moscow 1986
Tatiana Sergeeva (organ) Moscow 1979
E.Dovbysh, L.Eliseev, L.Boldin, L.Ekimov, E.Akimov, I.Shaparin.Korshunov, V.Kaevchenko, N.Yakovleva, V.Svistov
2018 Virtuoso of playing the domra viola, Professor Mikhail Gorobtsov and Laureate of international competitions Ivan Tikhomirov (piano)
Performed by IRINA NEGADOVA (harp)
Tatiana Sergeeva (organ) Moscow 1980
new edition of 2003. Recorded at a concert at the Pavel Slobodkin Center. Sound engineer-Maria Soboleva
The sonata was recorded in 2006 in the Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory.
Sonatina-pastoral for harp is one of the composer`s first compositions for this instrument, which is complex in its technique and playing techniques. Performed by Irina Negadova