,  (Kondrashin)
Kirill Kondrashin (conductor)

Recording from a concert in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory on December 5, 1978
Boys` Choir of the Moscow State Choir School under the direction of Yu. Ulanov1966.
Boyan - Sergei Lemeshev, Ruslan - Ivan Petrov, Lyudmila - Vera Firsova, Farlaf - Alexei Krivchenya, Ratmir - Evgenia Verbitskaya, Finn - Georgy Nalepp. The text is read by Sergei Losev.
Ñíåãóðî÷êà - Èðèíà Ìàñëåííèêîâà (ñîïðàíî), Ìîðîç - Ìàêñèì Ìèõàéëîâ (áàñ), Âåñíà - Íàäåæäà Îáóõîâà (ìåööî-ñîïðàíî), öàðü Áåðåíäåé - Ñåðãåé Ëåìåøåâ (òåíîð), Ëåëü - Ìàðèÿ Ìàêñàêîâà (ìåööî-ñîïðàíî), Êóïàâà - Ñîôüÿ Ïàíîâà (ñîïðàíî) / Îðêåñòð è õîð Áîëüøîãî òåàòðà, äèð. Ê.Êîíäðàøèí / çàïèñü 1946ã. íà òîíôèëüì (ñîêðàùåííàÿ âåðñèÿ)
First performance, recording from the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, 1973.
Evgeniya Tselovalnik (soprano), Evgeny Nesterenko (bass), Ensemble of soloists of the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Russian Republican Choir - Alexander Yurlov. Recorded in 1974.
Roles performed by: Mazhenka - Elena SHUMILOVA, Yenik - Georgy NELEPP, Lyudmila - N. OSTROUMOVA, Krushina - M. SKAZIN, Vashek - A. ORFENOV, Matchmaker - N. SHCHEGOLKOV, Gata - E. VERBITSKAYA, Esmeralda - V. FIRSOVA , Mikha - M. SOLOVIEV, Circus Director - V. YAKUSHENKO, Indian - G. KOROTKOV. Choir and Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR, conductor K. KONDRASHIN, recording 1951, restored (has shortcomings). The overture is performed by the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction
First performed on October 17, 1967. Moscow, the Great Hall of the Conservatory.
Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow PhilharmonicRecording from 1962
Aria of the Demon from the prologue, Aria of the Demon (& I am the one to whom I listened...&), Romance of the Demon (& On the ocean of air& ) (A. Rubinstein - P. Viskovatov after Lermontov, opera DEMON). 1954
The scene of Peter and Eremka from Act 3 of the opera The Enemy`s Power. Performed by: Peter - Alexey Ivanov (baritone)


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